Feminism exposed

I decided to post this slightly adapted comment I left elsewhere.

First, watch this brief clip where Doc Holliday psychoanalyzes outlaw villain Johnny Ringo.  Doc seems aided by introspection regarding his own troubled life.

cameron232 Had commented: “Listening to the feminists at work I figured out the following years ago: it’s not about equality it’s about revenge. Payback time.”

If you view the movie clip as an analogy, Feminists have a great empty hole right through the middle of them.  And they want revenge on God for being born, female.  They can never kill enough (through abortion) or steal enough (through legislated female equality of outcome, set-asides, and favoritism) or inflict enough pain (through no-fault divorce, child custody battles, hostile accusations, and constant disrespect of men) to ever fill up their gap of inequality and to make themselves feel satisfied in light of the depth of their soul’s “unresolved penis envy”.  Feminists intuitively realize God made them a “weaker vessel” yet they seemingly cannot resolve themselves to just willingly accept that lot, which they can never change.

As Cill pointed out, young men are angered by receiving constant disrespectful treatment and are naturally turning against those Feminists who oppress them just for their creation as stronger vessels, which in all reality they also cannot truly categorically change.

The desire to change sexes, which was once correctly recognized as a disorder of the mind, is now foolishly being empowered.  And it is greatly harmful to the deceived ones, who imagine that pretending to be remade, as the other sex, will somehow assuage their underlying dissatisfaction and their refusal to accept their Creator’s unequal and unalterable categorical ranking and expectations for them, as defined by their birth sex.

Fear God, and give glory to Him.  And show reverence to men forasmuch as they exhibit God’s image and glory. (1 Corinthians 11:7) (Ephesians 5:33)