Thoughts from Ray #1

“Perseus with the Head of Medusa” a bronze sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini – 1554.

Commenter “ray” sent me the following information to post.  I asked him a few follow up questions, which he responded to with two addendums which I have attached.  He has requested that I not try to answer questions specifically regarding his teaching, which I don’t yet fully comprehend.


You know that one day on Earth equals 1000 years in heaven.  (2 Peter 3:8)

You know that at the end of the King’s Millennium, the current Earth and ‘heaven’ will pass away.  (Rev. 21:1)  These are replaced by a ‘new Earth and heaven’.  (Rev. 21:1)

Combine this with what you know concerning the origin of human beings.  The male was created from two things, the Earth (soil) and the pneuma or masculine spiritus of God. (Gen. 2:7)

The woman, however, was created entirely from the man’s body.  (Gen. 2:22)  She didn’t partake of the pneuma, else she’d be a he, not a she.  Think Lucy Fer, who has been separated from Papa for so long, it doesn’t even know what it is anymore.  Like the human male, the angels or firstborn were created from God’s pneuma or spirit/breath.  (Psalms 33:6; 104:4)

Thus the obsession with androgyny from our terrestrial powers and principalities.  This, also, is why the Baphomet of the treacherous Templars has both male and female sex attributes.

So the female is entirely a product of the Earth.  This makes her FAR more attached to the planet — and to Earthly things in general.  It’s called ma-terialism, not pa-terialism.

So all the Gaia stuff — the re-arising of the ‘divine feminine’ in our time, the ancient (and current) mother-goddess blood-sacrifice cults, the temple-priestess cults of Scripture and James Frazer, all of it really — persists because the Woman and the Earth essentially are the same thing.  (Rev. 12:16 — ‘her’ is feminine as primary translation)

The female as individual and collective senses strongly that the planet that she is, that she loves, identifies with, and typically worships in one way or another, is about to be destroyed completely and forever.  (Rev. 21:1)  So in a very real sense, due to this identification the female is always fearful that she is about to be utterly obliterated and utterly forgotten.  (Isaiah 65:17)  

Do you see this?  We live in the final hours before the Tribulation, which as I have explained to you is the ‘time of the female adversary’ or ‘time of the female vexation’.  (Rev. 12:1; ‘time of trouble’ = Strong’s 6869 = tsarah, female adversary)

The Tribulation is NOT just some general punishment and cleansing like the Deluge, as modern Christians all assume.  It is the feminine making war on the masculine, globally — which is making war on God, because it is the male who carries Papa’s holy spirit within them.  That is what the rebel angels and the Raging Feminine truly wish to crush.  Feminism is just the ideo-political exteriorization of the inner collective urge.

Result is, a large percentage of modern females live in a kind on ongoing existential terror, lives of collective hysteria and fear.  They sense what is about to happen.  By heaven’s clock, the feminine/female has only ONE MORE DAY of existence.  Satan and the rebels know consciously what the feminine only senses unconsciously.  

Because at the same time the Earth is annihilated, the Woman (as such) likewise will be annihilated.  There will not even be a MEMORY of her, nor of this planet.  And at that time the binary or dualistic state of mankind (the male and female) will cease, and satan with all the rebel elements will be exterminated.  (Mark 12:25; Rev. 20:10)


Only reason we’re masculine is because God is masculine.  The pneuma He ‘breathes’ into the human male, and the angels, is masculinity in essence.  The pronouns used to address the ‘holy spirit’ are masculine.  Christ Himself refers to the paraclete as ‘he’, not the impersonal ‘it’.  Note that the King calls this person the ‘spirit of truth’, not the ‘holy spirit’.  (John 14:16-17)  

The human male is made masculine and ‘like the angels’ via Father’s holy spirit.  It is true that the spirit can alight or descend upon folks of either sex, but Scripture makes clear that historically, this has meant upon men (prophets, apostles) and rarely upon women.  An exception is made in our hour (Joel 2:28) for a general dispensation of the spirit.  Women are able to receive the spirit, but it does not dwell within them as a matter of birth.  Thus males are the usual vessel of reception, it being an ‘easy fit’ so to say.

Obviously, women can be saved.  But it’s worth noting (1 Tim. 2:15) this is done overwhelmingly via childbirth.  A child usually ejects the female from her lifelong solipsism and narcissism and forces her to focus outside of herself.


The paraclete is an individual.  God’s breath or pneuma provides masculinity, spiritual discernment, and God knows what all else to men and angels.  That is not an individual being, as in the paraclete.

Scripture makes clear that in the ‘last days’ (our time) God’s spirit/pneuma will be ‘poured out’ in ways including both men and women.  I want to make this clear.  As in ancient times, however, the preponderance of this spiritual gifting will go to men, for men already are ‘hard wired’ for spiritual reception and expression.  

Yes, all males are born with this pneuma, yes it facilitates, but does not guarantee, love of the truth.

On Tides and Trolls

Patriarchy, meaning “father rule”, is the natural and ideal state of God the Father’s created world.

Yet Feminists and similar fools are prone to pridefully thinking that they can improve on the ways of God.  Feminists smear all men, their fathers, brothers, and sons, as being unfit to preside over anything, from governments right down to families.  Female Feminists and their male pushover accomplices instead try to get men to hearken unto the voices of women, to be led by them, clearly ignorant of the fact that hearkening to a woman, instead of his Father, was the crux of Adam’s original sin.

Genesis 3:17 Also to Adam he said, Because thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, (whereof I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it) cursed is the earth for thy sake: in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.

Yet silly women still presume themselves fit to rule, and silly men still seek to obey women.  However, God teaches us that it is fitting that men should rule.

Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as it is fitting in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

But Feminist fools destructively fight against God’s perfect plan and keep trying to sully men’s divine credentials for leadership over women and children.  The silly airheads seem to think that by tarnishing men’s reputations they will be uplifted.

Sirach 3:10 Do not glorify yourself by your father’s dishonor, for your father’s dishonor is no glory to you.  11 The honor of one’s father is one’s own glory, and a mother dishonored is a disgrace to her children.

A popular phrase says: “A rising tide lifts all boats”.  So accordingly, a lowering tide lowers all boats.  When satanic Feminism sets out to sully and demote men from their patriarchal role as rulers, they not only drag men down into the muck, but they also degrade everybody else along with the men, who nonetheless, remain anointed by God to rule over all women.  Feminist women curse at men, who bear God’s image and glory, but by doing so they also debase their own sex and prove their inferior role to be divinely fitting by their clearly inferior behavior accompanied with their vain conceit.

Psalm 2:3 They say, ‘We will not accept their authority over us!  We will get free from their power!’  4 The Lord who sits on his throne in heaven laughs at them.  He says that their plans are useless.


“The manosphere is dead”, the trolls say.  “People hate you and ridicule you and say all manner of things against you”, they say.  “You’re losing!  You’ll never be able to turn the tide”, they say.  Their catastrophism makes me laugh.  Some of our naysayers had formerly been trying to ignore us.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

I believe those two quotes basically describe the same pattern for ideological change:

1) firstly, they ignore you, and try to keep your message from gaining the notice of other truth-seekers.

2) secondly, they mock you and denigrate the truth as being unpopular, laughable, or wrongheaded.

3) thirdly, they engage in fighting against you and the truth, which you promote, as best they are able.

4) fourthly, they accept the new knowledge, claiming they had always sensed it was true.

Often these steps overlap and our detractors my hop back and forth from one steppingstone to another, but despite the erratic nature of their opposition, their path to conversion is a progression.  The middle region (steps 2 &3) is quite fluid and slippery but at both ends it is easier to see the incremental progression.  Once they quit ignoring our impact, and respond to it, it is hard for the trolls to return and stay hiding behind their shroud of ignorance.  And once they finally accept some part of the truth it is hard for them to relish mocking or opposing that part which they then realize to be true. 

One should not forget that like sheep, most people are herd followers and not mavericks or leaders.  At first those who head into the new ideological territory will only be the boldest and those motivated by a severely compelling reason to leave their previous beliefs behind.  The mass of herd followers will want to stick right where the ideological majority are, it is comforting for them to be in the largest group.  But they will see that some have gone over to the other side.  They will notice every additional one that drifts over towards those who first left their group.  Soon there may be a trickle of migration across the ideological divide.  And perhaps at some point the thronging ones will sense that their flock is gradually moving over to the new area, and then, not wanting to get left behind, like a school of fish, those who once refused to see the truth may almost in unison all bum rush together over to be where the more courageous thought-leaders currently have stationed themselves. 

I can’t predict the future, but that is how ideological transitions can take place.  1% then 2% then 4% then 10% then suddenly 80% and after that the remaining holdouts begrudgingly straggle over to rejoin the herd.

In my estimation the manosphere has gone from being ignored, to being ridiculed, and now there are even some folks taking aim at us and fighting us.  Don’t be surprised when we become public enemy number one.  The US government is running out of White Supremacist groups to demonize, to the extent where the government is now forming their own White Supremacist groups and staging their own White Supremacy rallies.  The public will eventually catch onto that, and the powers that be will need a new boogeyman.  Currently our media is demonizing male chauvinist Andrew Tate in ways that they never smeared child-rape pimp Jeffrey Epstein.  Our legacy media will gladly carry water for pedophiles, but they’re not going to take kindly to folks working to restore God’s holy patriarchy. 

Today the ideological battle is between the imagined sexual equality of Feminism and the natural male superiority which morally justifies the all-male rule of God’s holy order of patriarchy.  Without a societal belief in male superiority, you’re left trying to push male headship as a divine fiat requested by an unjustifiably sexist God.  Whereas if men are acknowledged to be the better half, then it only makes sense that a loving and righteous God would fittingly choose the better half to be placed in control of leading the weaker vessels, in the best interest of everyone involved.

A few male chauvinists are doing more to rebuild the foundation of God’s holy order of patriarchy, than all the woman-obeying pastors, on whose watch our society daily plumbs new depths of moral depravity. Keep boldly proclaiming the truth. We’re making progress, as every day more men in our society are starting to see that women aren’t goddesses, as they were taught, and that those weaker vessels should not be empowered to lead us.