God hears husbands!

fennec kit

I was recently reminded of 1 Peter 3:7, a verse too often misused by Feminism’s enforcers to help subjugate husbands to their wives.  Often they might say something like, “husbands, if you don’t hear your wife, God won’t hear you”.  But is that what saint Peter actually told us?  Does God really refuse to listen to the prayers of all husbands who are not tuned in to hearken unto the voices of their wives?

1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

The key misunderstanding is that the word “your” in that verse does not refer just to the husband.  But, because of an unfortunately ambiguous English translation, most people will initially read it that way, even though that seemingly puts the verse at odds with the uniform strict patriarchy that God prescribes throughout the rest of the Bible.

The Greek word for “your” (Strong’s 5216) which is pronounced hoo-mone in English, and is written ὑμῶν in Greek, is plural not singular. The husband and wife are to exist in perfect unity with the wife in full subjection to the husband in everything.(Ephesians 5:22-24) The principle is that if, through lack of knowledge, you don’t live in unity as heirs together of the grace of God, then your prayers together will be hindered.

Matthew Henry explained it this way over 300 years ago:
They are heirs together of the grace of life, of all the blessings of this life and another, and therefore should live peaceably and quietly one with another, and, if they do not, their prayers one with another and one for another will be hindered, so that often “you will not pray at all, or, if you do, you will pray with a discomposed ruffled mind, and so without success.”

Churchian female-supremacists naturally want to blame a husband for all of his wife’s sinful behavior and then deceitfully construe the testing and hardship he endures, against him, claiming his prayers go unanswered as confirming evidence of God’s displeasure with his treatment of his wife.  Don’t let woman-worshiping churchians twist this holy verse that states that one must realize that women are in fact weaker vessels yet still should be honored as co-recipients of God’s grace, lest your collective prayers be hindered, into something that turns God into the enforcer for their Feminist false teaching, into a God who won’t listen to any husband until they first hearken unto the voice of their gullible wife.

Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

The misuse of 1 Peter 3:7 is Satan’s same old plan for getting husbands to follow their easily misled wive’s leading, just like how Adam hearkened to and followed Eve’s leading and got the whole earth cursed by God.  We are to honor the fact that women are by their creation weaker vessels, but that even so they are also heirs together with men of the grace of life, and by handling them according to knowledge, we husbands will not foolishly antagonize our weaker halves and so hinder our united prayers together with them.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.  14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

Shaming: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Shame Beagle

Twere shame enough to shame thee, wert thou not shameless. ~ William Shakespeare

Shame (Noun) a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of having done something wrong, dishonorable, improper, unworthy, degrading, ridiculous, etc.
Shame (verb) To cause to feel shame.

Joseph Burgo Ph.D. said: Although many people use the two words “guilt” and “shame” interchangeably, from a psychological perspective, they actually refer to different experiences. … [Shame] reflects how we feel about ourselves and [guilt] involves awareness that our actions have injured someone else. … In other words, shame relates to self; guilt to others. I think it’s useful to preserve this distinction, even though the dictionary definitions often blur it. … Many people crippled by shame have very little capacity to feel guilt, for example. In order to feel guilt about the harm you may have done to somebody else, you must recognize him or her as a distinct individual, to begin with. Thus a person who struggles with separation and merger issues might not feel true guilt even if he or she were to use that word to describe a feeling. Many people who display narcissistic behavior often suffer from profound feelings of shame but have little authentic concern for other people; they don’t tend to feel genuinely guilty. The lack of empathy to be found in narcissistic personality disorder makes real guilt unlikely since guilt depends upon the ability to intuit how someone else might feel.

Neel Burton M.D. said: Embarrassment is the feeling of discomfort experienced when some aspect of ourselves is, or threatens to be, witnessed by or otherwise revealed to others, and we think that this revelation is likely to undermine the image of ourselves that we seek to project to those others. …

People with low self-esteem are more prone to shame, because, having a poor self-image, they are harsher upon themselves. In some cases, they may defend against shame with blame or contempt, often for the person who incited their shame. Ultimately, this is likely to lead to even deeper shame, and so to even lower self-esteem. While overwhelming shame can be destructive, mild or moderate shame is mostly a force for good, spurring us on to lead more ethical lives. …

Shame is ego dystonic, that is, in conflict with our self-image and the needs and goals of our ego, and high levels of shame are correlated with poor psychological functioning. In particular, eating disorders and many sexual disorders can largely be understood as disorders of shame, as can narcissism, which is sometimes thought of as a defense against shame. Guilt on the other hand is ego syntonic, that is, consistent with our self-image and the needs and goals of our ego, and, unless left to fester, is either unrelated or inversely correlated with poor psychological functioning.

Faced with the same set of circumstances, people with high self-esteem are more prone to guilt than to shame, and more likely to take corrective or redemptive action.

Sharkly B.S. says:  Recently I have kept running into the concept of shaming.  Most people seem to be very against shaming being done to them, but are quite ready to do it to their opponents.  Some people are against shaming entirely and seem to go to great lengths to shame those who are still shaming. 😉

But, does shaming have a positive purpose, and if so, why do some claim to be opposed to it?  One person claimed that shaming should not be used because it might drive someone “underground” or back in “the closet”.   However that might indeed be a very powerful reason to use it.

Are we ever to shame the wayward, or are we only to humor them?  Can you shame a person’s deeds without devaluing the person?  It has been said that if you attack someone’s due dignity, your relationship will suffer.  Is there a way to shame people without attacking their human dignity?  Should we even slave to keep close relations with the shameless?  Should our relationships be subject to some basic level of expectation?  Or is it imperative that everybody be nice, polite, and unconfrontational?  I hope, with this post, to spur contemplation of shaming, and to start a discussion on the appropriate and best uses of shaming.

It would seem obvious that if society is to be peacefully reformed, we will absolutely need shame, as a force for good, spurring us on to lead more ethical lives.  And even if you favor a violent revolution, won’t you still need shame to peaceably maintain your mores after you’ve installed them via gun barrel diplomacy?  What would a chaotic world without shame even look like, where everybody did what was right in their own eyes?

Virgin Imprinting

Where's the love

I have a topic that I’d like to discuss, and I’ll use myself as the example, because I haven’t heard any other discussion on the topic.  I was reading over at Σ Frame when the question of a virgin young man’s sexual compatibility with any potential wife came up.

I myself for whatever reason never worried about my sexual compatibility, so I would never have thought to bring the topic up.  Although I’m blessed, I presumed that, if a baby’s head can come out of a woman’s baby maker, I’m pretty certain my penis will fit in.  Now perhaps I’m not talking about the same aspect of sexual compatibility that was in question, but here is what happened to me.

The baseline.

Prior to marriage I had looked at pornography.  I found I liked breasts of all shapes and sizes, I really did like them all, whatever preferences I had were pretty minimal.  I also looked at vaginas, I found them interesting, while a little strange looking, but there too, I didn’t have any real strong preferences, except that they not be shaved bald and look just like a young child’s crotch.

I met my wife online, and was almost “in love” before I physically met her.  When I did first meet her I was pleasantly suprised, that although she didn’t look exactly like her profile picture, she actually looked better than her online photo.  Long story short – I fell in love, and married her.

I had never had sex until with my wife. When I first saw her breasts, I didn’t recall seeing many exactly like that, but I liked them.  And when I first saw her vagina, well, it was a vagina, as good as any other vagina.

Somehow I got imprinted.

Due to my wife’s intimacy-anorexia she intentionally distances me, she withholds sharing emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy as part of her behavioral addiction.  And so it was, that bereft of much sex with my wife, and let down by churches who refused to help, I turned back to pornography.   But, to my surprise, I didn’t want to see just any breasts like before.  I found myself looking for breasts that looked exactly like my wife’s breasts, and the more they looked like my wife’s breasts, the more I preferred them.  I also had grown to appreciate vaginas a lot more, but the absolute best vaginas looked exactly like my wife’s vagina.

I wasn’t intentionally trying to find models that looked like my wife, I just gradually came to notice that I now strongly preferred everything to look exactly like how she looked.  I now strongly prefer my wife’s size of nipples, the size and color of her areolas, the size and shape of her breasts.  I also strongly prefer the size, shape, color, and texture of her pussy lips.  I’m sorry, but I just do now.  Apparently I imprinted on her sexually, and she is now what I just strongly prefer.

Anyhow, I’m not sure how this happened.  I haven’t got the foggiest idea.  I’m not even sure why I imprinted.  Was it an act or blessing of God?  Is it natural?  Was it an act of will, that I chose to love her as she was, and it solidified?  Had I perchance been blessed to marry somebody perfectly matching some subconscious preferences that I had been previously unaware of?  Does this happen to others?  I don’t know.

It gets worse.

My wife got pregnant twice during our marriage, and as she first began exhibiting the look of pregnancy, I began to love that look.  I knew she was pregnant before she did.  One day she wondered aloud if she was possibly pregnant, and without even thinking I just blurted out, yes, your boobs have changed.  Anyhow, I began to love everything about the look of pregnancy as my wife exhibited it.  And perhaps thanks to powerful pregnancy hormones overpowering my wife’s intimacy-anorexia the last two trimesters of both my wife’s pregnancies were the most regular sex I ever got.  Anyhow, I sort of have a thing for pregnant women now, and I had never found them attractive before my wife first got pregnant.  But now they’re just radiant and sexy to me, and I don’t know how to make it stop.