An Image of My Father

The picture above is a colorized portrait of my father.  He has been dead for a dozen years, but as I write this it chokes me up to see my father looking back at me again.  He was my protector.  While the rest of my family often mistreated me, when dad was home I was safe and he made sure I was treated fairly.   My father was a stalwart man of principle, a genius engineer, and a servant of God.  He was a formidable man who could bring gravitas to any discussion, but he could also tell hilarious jokes for two hours straight after all the serious matters had been taken care of.  

My father showed me how to be a man, by being masculine for our entire life together.  His Biblical frame of reference did not bend to accommodate the world, the world had to adapt itself to my father.  He never cared about fame, he had no love of money, and he wasn’t afraid to die, so the world lacked much leverage against my dad.  Life with dad was an adventure, a mission, a test, and I never doubted for a moment that dad would see to it that we achieved his mission, no matter the circumstances.

 I wish every boy could grow up with a father like mine.  Because then there would be no questions about how to be masculine, nobody undisciplined, and no man without a mission.  It breaks my heart that so many boys are now growing up without fathers, including my own sons.  What they miss out on by not having a father in their life is incalculable.   You need a solid man to raise up solid men.  Boys can’t learn how to be a man by watching their mother.

2021 Predictions

Well, 2020, (the worst year evah!) is now thankfully behind us. 

The sun has set on that year of turmoil.  

Will we watch the birth of a new year of God’s great blessings on these our faithless lands?

Well, I don’t claim any inspiration for the following predictions, nor am I a prognosticator, but I think things will get tougher for those who truly seek to serve God, and probably for everybody else as well. 

Unless President Trump does something drastic within the next few weeks, we will be looking at a new administration that does not have America’s best interest in mind.  However, our leftist media, which has been religiously preaching doom and gloom for four years straight, will usher in a new era of gilded-turds.  “Everything is Awesome!” will become their new mantra.  We will be told that everything is getting better.  However, since our adversaries “Never let a good crisis go to waste” we can be sure that some crises will arise to justify their taking away more of our freedoms, presumably for our own good.

Now if Donald Trump does decide to, and successfully unleashes a battle to claim the presidency, that all honest-minded folks know he won, then there will be mayhem, and more years of liberal screeching like nothing we’ve ever witnessed before.  Donald Trump does not get the gilded-turd treatment from our treasonous media.  On the contrary, if he remains, the media will do everything within their power to foment discontentment with absolutely everything that can possibly be linked to his reign.

Either way things don’t look rosy.  Either we’re ruled by crooks and we will be told that we’re doing great while they rob our children’s future to feed their hedonism today.  Or there will be riotous opposition to Making America Great Again.  A large part of the country will be trying  to bring down our republic from within.   And that is all without even considering the possibility of acts of God. 

My Prediction


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